My customer wants microblading, how do I determine whether it is the right choice?
Powderbrows are currently very popular and give a beautiful make-up look to your eyebrows. Microblading, on the other hand, is more natural. With microblading you can create the knife of hair strokes and after healing you have created a natural look. Microblading generally fades faster than Powderbrows. Another big difference is that Powderbrows is not possible on any skin, microwling.
It is quite understandable that some ladies, especially the age of age, do not want to go for Powderbrows but prefer a microblading treatment. You can do this immediately, but assessing the skin is very essential. If the skin is not suitable for microblading, the result will be disappointing and fade faster. If you have assessed the skin and have informed the customer about this, the choice is aware and you cannot be addressed at work.
Assess the skin for microwling
How do you rate the skin or it is suitable for microblading? Skin structure and age are important. People with dry skin and few pores are generally suitable for microblading. With oily skin it becomes a different story.
If you see a shiny oily skin, it is smart to view the skin well. I rate the skin by looking at the pores in the eyebrow with a magnifying glass. Wipe the hair aside with a eyelash brush and view the pore structure via the magnifying glass. Everyone of course has pores, but are there a lot and are they big? Then microblading will not take the way they want.
With large and many poren in the skin, use of the pigment will be more difficult because a lot of sebum and fat comes from the pore structure. As a result, little pigment can be included in the skin and the microwling will not grab well.
You can also see if it will be successful during a treatment. View how many "passes" you want to do, after the first Pases see if it records well. With sensitive or mature skin I often use others cartridges, Then I grab a finer needle. I will tell more about this in another blog.
Discuss the options with your customers
Assess the skin during the intake and go through the options and possibilities with the customer so that they also understand why you advise microsloging or not. In my salon, oily skins automatically fall under a Powderbrows treatment.
An alternative to customers who still want strokes is the 3D brows treatment. The pore structure of the eyebrow on the nose side is often low for everyone. With 3D brows you set a number of strokes for the natural look at the start of the eyebrow and the rest of the eyebrow you finish with the powder technique.
Replaced old microblading
Many customers visit us with old microblading. They want the eyebrows to work with microblading while the skin is not suitable for that. Unfortunately, mistakes are made within the industry and to correct this, the old PMU must often be lasered away. After giving the skin for 2 to 3 months, I put new powder brows. Despite the fact that microblading quickly fades, there will always be a color left. Before we treat the eyebrows again, it must first be lasered so that I can start on a clean "canvas" on beautiful new brows.
Follow -up tips at Microblading & Powderbrows
The customer does not always know what the consequences can be if they want to choose microblading. It is up to you as a specialist to assess this. Also dare to say no to customers, you want them to be satisfied and would like to come back to you, right?
Greetings Elham!