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Pigment leather with Kim

on January 10, 2023

My name is Kim Daalder, since I was 18one Years I work as a permanent makeup specialist. That is already 22 years old today. More than half of my life! Many award richer, a wonderful practice and since 2 years an academy for permanent makeup. A lot has changed in the course of time in permanent makeup country. The work of the time really does not deserve the beauty prize. Techniques are more refined, colors more beautiful and the knowledge is very wide.

The ladies of Amavi After a conversation about pigments, I asked me if I would like to share my knowledge in a blog with their customers. No sooner said than done.  Because you are never too old, too good, too specialized to learn, I also learn every day. We have a beautiful profession of dear colleagues! Continue to specialize and dare to listen to other colleagues. Don't see it as a competition, but help each other where necessary. I wish everyone a lot of learning with my blog.

Dear regards, Kim.

I would like to tell you more about the pigments that each of you work with. Perhaps you are already familiar with this theoretical knowledge. It is always good to give your knowledge a small upgrade so that you are well informed about what you are working on every day: pigments.



The word pigment originally refers to a dye. In other words, an inorganic or organic, colored or achromatic colorant that is practically insoluble. Achromatic colors are all black, gray and white colors; All the rest is colorful.

A distinction is made between color pigments of an organic and inorganic nature. Organic pigments are based on carbon chains and carbon rings. Inorganic pigments are chemical compounds that are not based on carbon; They are usually metal salts that are obtained from solutions. With their larger molecular surface, organic pigments have a much higher color strength. With a few exceptions, inorganic pigments have higher stability than organic pigments. 

Inorganic pigments were originally extracted from minerals. These pigments usually consist of oxides of metals. Well -known examples of minerals extracted, inorganic pigments are Omber, yellow ocherred ocher and rAuwe Sienna. Another pigment is cadmium sulfide either cadmium yellow that is part of the cadmium pigments With colors that run through yellow, orange and red to chestnut brown. For example, there are of course many examples of inorganic pigments for, for example, to name the eyeliner pigments, but then my story becomes a little too long.

Organic pigments contain carbon compounds and originally came from animals or plants. They are made synthetic from the rise of the chemical industry. Known examples of organic pigments are sepia (animal) and craple (Vegetable pigment that is made from meeking).

For permanent makeup, use is made of both inorganic pigments (earth minerals) and organic pigments. Organic pigments are used more often and are more colorful compared to inorganic pigments that are less allergen, but stay in the skin for longer.

Combinations of this hybrid pigments named.

Read more about the color circle in the next blog.

Love Kim


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