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What to do with: the Magnum cartridge

on April 16, 2022

Thirza Dekker speaking:

What to do with?
PMU needle configuration Magnum


Video developed by: Thirza Dekker
First of all, it is of course very personal which PMU needle you like to work with. It is good to know what you can do with which needle module  configuration. In the coming blogs we will pay more attention to the different PMU needles that are available.
The 1P Round Liner is great, of course, but besides the 1-point needle, there are still plenty of options for pmu. In addition to the well-known Round Liner (which we will tell more about later), Amavi also sells Round Shader and Magnum needles. The latter, the Magnum, is a versatile pmu needle and we will tell you more about it in this blog.

What is a Magnum pmu needle?

The Magnum originally a tattoo needle and because of its versatility, it is also increasingly upcoming in the world of pmu. You can draw lines with it, shade endlessly and color in full.
At Amavi they sell the 3 point & 5 point Curved Magnum from Vertix Nano and from Kwadron PMU Optima. These configurations are ideal for pmu because we are working on small areas, hence the smaller configurations of 3, 5, 7 and 9. With a tattoo, a magnum can sometimes be as large as 112 points! The Vertix needles are known for the beautiful, fine (thin) needles that have been specially developed for pmu and the precise work.
A Curved magnum has 2 rows of needles in a U shape
on top of each other. One row of needles always has an odd number and the other row of needles, an even number. With the exception of the 3 Magnum needle, with a 3 magnum you have a row with 3 curved descending needles (UM). This Magnum 3 cartridge is great for hairstrokes with depth and for fine shading technique. With the 5 magnum needle you have a row with 3 and a row with 2 needles above each other.

What do you use a Magnum pmu cartridge for?

We have filmed the possibilities of this versatile pmu needle for you, see the video at the top of the page.
Do you use the Magnum for pmu lips? Then the lip treatment is ready faster and causes less trauma. Using Magnum for the eyebrows? Create deep hairstrokes and beautiful quick shadow work with the Magnum. It is worth experimenting more with this beautiful needle!


When do you use the Magnum needle with PMU?

Personally I like the magnum to use for pmu lips. Because a lip has fine angles, curves, and play, you can go many ways with the use of the magnum cartridge.


Use magnum configuration for PMU lips

You can shade the Magnum cartridge straight horizontally and vertically at 90 degrees, with the middle needle in particular doing the work. With the vertical way you immediately grab a larger area and if you work horizontally you will see that the middle needles give a narrower result but pigment well.
If you deviate from the 90 degrees, you can very nicely take the middle part a bit darker and with the short needles you can shade a bit softer. This way, with the right pressure and the right way, you can finish coloring lips in no time, for example. Do you want a fully colored lip right away? Then you can deviate slightly from the 90 degrees and turn in circles with the curved needle. You will see that it covers at least 3 times as fast as with a 1-point needle. The Magnum cartridge is therefore more pleasant for the customer because you are ready faster and it causes less trauma to the skin.

Use Magnum configuration with PMU eyeliner & eyebrows

When you have mastered the techniques well and know what you can do with the Magnum needle, you can also apply eyeliners and eyebrows. A simple but dark eyeliner can be applied in 1 go with the Magnum because you can use 2 needles can work from the 3. That's great for the customer and for your time as a pmu specialist!
Would you rather have a powdery eyeliner? Then turn your magnum so that it immediately puts 3 soft powder lines on top of each other. When used properly, you can even create beautiful lines, and thus hairstrokes, with the Magnum PMU needle.
The Magnum PMU needle module is a versatile pmu needle with which you can literally and figuratively go in all directions. Adjust your working angle for the desired result.


This blog is a collaboration between Amavi and TD in which TD shares its knowledge through the Amavi platform. All reactions and questions about the blog should therefore be sent to Amavi and not to Thirza Dekker. Would you like to comment on this blog? Then post your reaction under the blog on the website www.amavi-pmu.com. Comments on this blog sent via DM will not be answered.
1 response
by tulay on January 03, 2023


bij het pigmenten van de lippen raden ze ook een 7 rs Magnum aan wat denken jullie?
Alsook mag een Magnum gebruikt worden voor correctie van gepigmenteerde lippen? of dien je hiervoor een 1 P RS te gebruiken aangezien je eerst de ‘plekken gaat corrigeren’ en meerdere malen nodig zal hebben tot je het lichtere effect zal benomen?

Hartelijk dank!

Mvg Tuli

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